If you are an experienced entrepreneur, designer, advertiser or a marketer, you have a clear picture in mind about the term BRANDING.
According to wikipedia:
"A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes an organization or product from its rivals in the eyes of the customer. Brands are used in business, marketing, and advertising."
We are living in the world of brands, we bump into them wherever we go, we can't avoid them. But what do we think about them? What do you think about your brand? And...what do YOU WANT OTHERS to think about your OWN BRAND?
First of all, let's make it clear what branding really is. Many thinks, especially newcomers to the business world, that branding is a logo only. If you ask designers, they would say that branding is the visual identity of an organization and how they appear on the market. Advertisers would add that it is also the activity you do off- and online, the buzz you generate, manage and benefit from. Marketers would expand it to how you communicate with your customers B2B and B2C. PR specialists add the social aspects you make on people's life or on your environment, what causes you stand for.
If we want to summarize it, we can agree that branding is all of these. Together. And even more.
BRAND is a complex attribute of each and every organization or individual that is known to others. Even if you don't know about it, YOU TOO HAVE YOUR OWN BRAND. It is how you talk, how you dress, write emails, how you shake hands (if so) and how others see you. In the business world branding is equal to trust. If you have a genuine profile, your identity is recognizable and true to the nature of you as an owner, to the coworkers and employees, and you communicate that well, then you have a trustworthy branding.
In the digital era, when producers/service providers and clients tend to disconnect from time to time, have physical distance from each other, competition is strong and information is limitless, branding is the way to gain trust. The way how your business partners see you depends on what values do you have, what you do with them, how you communicate your worth, and how you find the channels to share them.
The reason why we started this blog is NOT necessarily to give answers to your questions (of course we will try that too), but rather to explore together with you how to FIND THE RIGHT QUESTIONS to be answered. We will focus on philosophy, values, meanings, consumer expectations, design principles, the abstract and how to make them understandable for all. How to summarize all you know about yourself and your enterprise, so you could communicate it through design.
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